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3 quick steps to register your product for faster service and more perks and benefits.
Take note of your SN#
The Serial Number (SN#) is typically found on a label attached to the frame or the rear mudguard. It is usually in the format of [S1SXX-XX-88888-8888].
Get the purchase proof
An electronic copy of your purchase confirmation, receipt, invoice, or any similar documents indicating the place of purchase. A PDF print-out of an email would also be acceptable.
Submit the registration
Please complete the form below and submit it. Your profile will be linked to the provided Serial Number (SN#). We will maintain a record and contact you regarding future upgrades, perks, and benefits.

Welcome to the (k)lub
Thanks for becoming one of us! Let us know a bit more about your ebike, and we will take care of the rest.
Register your Kuiperbelt.
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